The Joyce Theater | Monday, March 17!

A night of incredible performances benefiting the NYCDAF College Scholarship Program



2025 National Finals Competition Divisions and Fees

Solo$205.002:30 minute max
Duo/Trio$105.00 per dancer2:45 minute max
Group (4-9)$95.00 per dancer3 minute max
Line (10-15)$95.00 per dancer3 minute max
Extended Line (16-24)$98.00 per dancer4 minute max
Small Production (12-24)$95.00 per dancer5 minute max
Large Production (16+)$95.00 per dancer6 minute max
Extended Sm Prod (12-24)$98.00 per dancer6 minute max
Extended Lg Prod (16+)$98.00 per dancer8 minute max

You may purchase up to 3 additional minutes of time for any group, line extended line, or production- just $5 per dancer, per minute! For Solos, you can add up to :30 for an additional $15.

(Each dance studio may apply their own additional fees, when necessary.)

* NYCDA Regional Critics' Choice Award Winners receive FREE Competition entry fees for that entry at our 2025 National Season Finale! The fee will automatically be deducted when you complete your registration.

Entry Limits

  • Pre-qualification of entries IS REQUIRED. For entries not pre-qualified at a Regional event, a Preliminary Qualifying Competition will be offered. (See below.)
  • To optimize event planning we will require a deposit of $50 for each National competition entry submitted.
  • New entries (not qualified regionally) must be entered in BOTH the preliminary competition and National Finals. Both Prelim and Finals entry fees apply.
  • No limit on entries per studio. Overall number of entries will be limited to the time available. Entries will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
  • A deduction of 10 points will be made for entries that do not comply with set time limitations.
  • Dancers may compete up to two solos. All solos must have been pre-qualified at a Regional event. No solos will be accepted for the Preliminary Qualifying Competition. Outstanding Dancer solos do not require pre-qualification.
  • Any changes to your Finals entries must be manually made by our Registration team. Please email for assistance on any needed updates.

Preliminary Qualifying Competition

  • New entries, not competed and pre-qualified at a Regional event, have the opportunity to pre-qualify for the National Finals via video submission.
  • Solos are not permitted in the Preliminary Qualifying Competition.
  • Each entry will be adjudicated by a panel of NYCDA judges.
  • Each new entry will be charged the appropriate Regional competition fee.
  • You can upload the appropriate video through the media manager on your portal.
  • Video submissions will be due by June 2.
  • Judges' critiques will be returned to the studio, no later than June 13.
  • Video submissions may include competition performance videos from other events, studio recital videos, as well as in-studio rehearsal/performance videos.
  • Once adjudicated the preliminary entry will be added to the studio's National finals registration. National fees will apply.

National Finals Regulations


  • Register at:
  • The registration Deadline is May 19, 2025.
  • Register early. Limited capacity means sell-out is possible!
  • Each dance studio may apply its own additional fees, when necessary.
  • After the Registration Deadline (May 19, 2025) all registrations will be ‘locked’. You will no longer have online access to make changes. Your registration should be complete – especially competition entries. Incomplete entries will not be included in the event. (Please note: it is important that accurate ‘choreographer’ info is included for each competition entry. We need this info to complete our judging schedule, as no NYCDA faculty/staff will ever judge their own choreography. Please let us know.) Changes will only be accepted by emailing the registration team. Changes/additions are subject to availability.
  • FULL payments are required 3 weeks prior to the event. Unpaid registrations will not be included in the event and ‘the spot’ may be relinquished to a studio on the waiting list.
  • If paying by check, payment must be made in advance by studio business check. NO personal or International checks will be accepted - bank money orders in U.S. funds only. Onsite payments are authorized at the discretion of NYCDA office and must be by Credit Card or Certified Check only.
  • Completed liability waivers are required for each dancer/participant. Be sure to get the necessary parent/guardian signatures. CLICK HERE for Waiver Link →
  • 2024-25 Refund Policy: If any NYCDA event must be wholly canceled due to Covid-19, NYCDA will issue full refunds to all registered studios (within 2 weeks). All other refund requests (studio or individual) must come via the registered studio and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis with the studio representative only. Refunds will be processed within 2 weeks of the designated convention date and will only be issued back to the registered studio, via the method of payment. (If payment is made with an existing credit, then the refund would be back in the form of a credit.)
  • All competing dancers must be registered for the entire National Season Finale! workshop.
  • The deadline for competition changes is 3 weeks prior to the convention. No changes will be accepted after this date.
  • Competing dancers may enter as many categories as desired, as long as they never compete against themselves.
  • Competing dancers may compete for one studio only.
  • Schools with multiple locations may compete as separate studios as long as there is no mixing of dancers from each location. No combining of dancers allowed for extra discounts.
  • Professional dancers are welcome for the workshop but will not be permitted to compete if over age 18.
  • Soloists do not need to be entered in a Group, Line, or Production number.
  • Dancers may compete up to two pre-qualified solos.
  • Teachers may only compete in the Open (19+) age division.
  • Entries in the Open (19+) Division are not eligible for Critics' Choice Awards.
  • Studios may substitute an entry of identical dancers, age, performance, and competition divisions for a pre-qualified entry from a Regional Competition.
  • No dangerous props may be used during the competition (swords, fire, etc.). General props are allowed but must be taken on and off stage expeditiously. Any unnecessary delay will result in a 5 point deduction. Please have a clean-up crew ready for any "litter" left on stage.
  • Excessive scenery and special lighting may only be utilized with pre-approval from NYCDA.
  • Tap sounds on the recordings of tap numbers will result in a 5 point deduction.
  • Entry numbers containing more than 2 gymnastic passes must be entered in the Specialty or Open Division. Otherwise, 5 points will be deducted and the entry will be moved to the appropriate division.
  • Competing dancers should be ready 30 minutes prior to their scheduled competition time. If the competition is running ahead of schedule, you will be expected to perform.
  • Competing dancers must perform in the scheduled sequence unless special permission is granted by the event manager or stage manager. Intentional manipulation of the performance schedule will result in disqualification.
  • Competing dancers and their teachers are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and the general support of all participants.
  • Competition Music should be uploaded PRIOR to Nationals! Additional Information will be sent with Competition Schedules. Please have a backup available for each entry.
  • Music Files should be in a Mac compatible format such as .mp3, .wav, etc.
  • It is recommended that all music be recorded in a non-dolby format with audio recorded on both left and right channels.
  • Studios shall be responsible for maintaining proper licenses for any and all music used in any performance by participants of the Studio.
  • Any financial penalties related to the violation of any copyright laws will be passed on to the studio.

Age Appropriate

NYCDA prides itself in maintaining a professional, classy, and family environment. Our 'age appropriate' criteria will continue to appear on every score sheet - under Costuming, Music Choice, and Choreography. Necessary deductions will be taken. Disqualification may result, at the discretion of the judges.

Video and Photography

  • Video taping and flash photography are STRICTLY PROHIBITED during the entire event. (Disqualification may result.)
  • Professional quality photos and videos of the competition will be available for purchase on-site.
  • Registered Teachers with ID Lanyards will be permitted to record the last 15 minutes of Workshop Classes only.
  • All dancers authorize the use of their image in photos and videos for NYCDA publicity and advertisement purposes.


  • Admission to all regular competitions is free. Tickets must be purchased for the Junior Gala and for the Closing Night Gala.
  • Seating may be limited and room opacities will be enforced. Competition is always livestreamed at
  • Teachers of competition dancers will be given reserved seating. However, absolutely no visual coaching is allowed.

Judging & Awards

All National Finals entries will be adjudicated on a point system by a panel of judges. Platinum, High Gold, Gold, High Silver, Silver and Bronze awards will be presented based on the following combined scores. (As part of our continued effort to push the boundaries of education, motivation and inspiration, we expand the HIGH GOLD category at the National level.)

Platinum:292 - 300
High Gold:288 - 291
Gold:282 - 287
High Silver:276 - 281
Silver:264 - 275
Bronze:240 - 263

High Score Awards & Cash Prizes

1st Place
Extended Line:$400
Small Production:$500
Large Production:$500
Extended Sm. Production:$500
Extended Lg. Production:$500

  • Each Competition Division in each of the Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior age divisions must contain at least six entries to warrant the awarding of cash prizes.
  • Each performer may only place one time in Overall High Score Soloists.

National Critics' Choice Awards

National Mini Critics' Choice Award:$2,500
National Junior Critics' Choice Award:$2,500
National Teen Critics' Choice Award:$2,500
National Senior Critics' Choice Award:$2,500
  • The FIVE overall high scores in the Group, Line, and Production Divisions from the Mini/Junior National Competition Finals and the SIX overall high scores in the Group, Line, and Production Divisions from the Teen/Senior National Competition Finals are eligible for the NYCDA NATIONAL CRITICS' CHOICE AWARDS. (# of entries at NYCDA's discretion)
  • Each studio will be limited to ONE Critics Choice Finalist in each of the Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior Age Divisions. Studios may not compete against themselves for a Critics' Choice Award.
  • The FIVE entries in both the Mini and Junior Divisions will be invited to perform at the Junior Gala for final adjudication. (# of entries at NYCDA's discretion)
  • The SIX entries in each of the Teen and Senior Divisions will be invited to perform at the Closing Night Gala for final adjudication. (# of entries at NYCDA's discretion)
  • The resulting high scores in each age division will be honored with the NYCDA NATIONAL CRITICS' CHOICE AWARDS.

Judging Criteria

Technical Ability50%
Performance and Interpretation20%
Choreography and musicality20%
Overall appearance10%
  • All decisions by the panel of judges will be final.
  • Judges' score sheets and critiques will be emailed and/or uploaded to studios immediately following the event.