The Joyce Theater | Monday, March 17!

A night of incredible performances benefiting the NYCDAF College Scholarship Program



2024-2025 Regional Competition Guidelines & Fees

Time LimitDiscount Early Bird RateAfter Deadline Rate
Solo2:30 min max$195.00$205.00
Duo/Trio (2-3 dancers)2:45 min max$95.00 per dancer$105.00 per dancer
Group (4-9 dancers)3 min max$75.00 per dancer$85.00 per dancer

Ext Group (4-9 dancers)

4 min max$78.00 per dancer$88.00 per dancer
Line (10-15 dancers)3 min max$75.00 per dancer$85.00 per dancer
Ext Line (10-15 dancers)4 min max$78.00 per dancer$88.00 per dancer
Small Production (12-24 dancers)5 min max$75.00 per dancer$85.00 per dancer
Ext Small Production (12-24 dancers)6 min max$78.00 per dancer$88.00 per dancer
Large Production (16+ dancers)6 min max$75.00 per dancer$85.00 per dancer
Ext Large Production (16+ dancers)8 min max$78.00 per dancer$88.00 per dancer
  • To optimize event planning we will require a deposit of $50 for each competition entry submitted.
  • Please refer to the competition limits on the website under your city. If you exceed the city limit your entries will not be guaranteed regardless of the deposit submitted.
  • Deposits are non-transferable and non-refundable unless a routine is pulled before our 30-day deadline. In this instance you may apply your deposit to your outstanding registration balance. Our deposit policy will help accommodate as many studios competition entries as possible.
  • Your registration is not final until we receive PAYMENT IN FULL. Cities have been known to sell out before our 30-day registration deadline. We strongly encourage you to register early!
  • FULL payments are required 30 DAYS prior to the event. Unpaid registrations will not be included in the event and 'the spot' will be relinquished to a studio on the waiting list.
  • Registration deadlines are defined city by city on the NYCDA website. A 3-day grace period will be allowed to receive the discounted rates. After the 3-day grace period, the full tuition rates will be applied. REGISTER EARLY!
  • Completed liability waivers are required for each dancer/participant. Be sure to get the necessary parent/guardian signatures. CLICK HERE for Waiver Link
  • Each dance studio may apply their own additional fees, when necessary.
  • Add extended time to any entry (excludes solos) for $5 per dancer, per minute, up to 3 additional minutes.
  • Add up to :30 to a solo for an additional $15
  • Entries will be accepted after the registration deadline when available- cities do sell out! If necessary, a waitlist will be utilized for additional entries. No onsite competition entries will be accepted. See specific city page for details. No entry fees are refundable, except as necessary due to Covid-19.
  • Competition fees may be paid by credit card or studio business check in advance, only. No Canadian/International checks accepted - bank money orders in US funds only. Make all checks payable to: NYC DANCE ALLIANCE.

Age Divisions











  • Competing dancers must be at least 7 years of age and registered for the full workshop in the convention city they are competing in. (Ready, Set, Dance! dancers may compete as long as the average age of the entry remains 7+). Dancers registered for RSD are not permitted to compete solos regardless of age.
  • Add all the ages together and divide by the number of dancers in the entry. After averaging age, DROP THE DECIMAL to come up with the competition age for the entry. For example: An entry whose average age is 10.7 will compete as age 10. Names, ages and birthdates of all dancers must be provided when registering. All competing dancers must be prepared to present proof of age should a question arise.
  • All ages are as of January 1, 2025, for the entire 2024-2025 season, including Nationals.
  • The average age of each entry may not drop more than one age division below the age of the oldest dancer in the entry, regardless of the actual average age. Example: If an entry contains dancers ranging in age from 9-18, the entry may not compete younger than 13-15 (one division younger than the oldest dancer-18).

Performance Divisions

JAZZ consists of primarily jazz technique, utilizing up-tempo music.
BALLET consists of ballet or pointe technique. Must include classical steps and movements.
TAP consists of tap technique. Tap shoes only.
LYRICAL consists of jazz and ballet technique - emphasizing strength, control, and interpretation.
MUSICAL THEATRE consists of Broadway/theatre dance styles.
CONTEMPORARY consists of modern and ballet technique, reaching beyond the standard jazz vocabulary.
HIP-HOP consists of street, funk, popping, locking, or house dance.
SPECIALTY consists of ethnic, acro/gymnastics, novelty, etc.
OPEN consists of all other categories.

Judges reserve the right to change the competing dancers category if the number has been entered improperly.

Entry Limits

  • Competition entry limits are specific to each convention city. Check the city page for the most updated entry limit information. Additional entries may be accepted if time permits- NYCDA will notify all registered studios re: additional entries after the registration deadline has passed. Cities do sell out! If necessary, a waitlist will be utilized for additional entries. No onsite competition entries will be accepted.
  • Solos and duo/trios must always be available for Friday competition if needed. In some cities, NYCDA may need to include group competition on Friday and/or solos of one or more age divisions on Thursday in order to accommodate all entries, and will notify registered studios at least 2 weeks prior.
  • Regional Competition capacity varies in each city. Entries are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Registration by deadline does not guarantee acceptance of entries.
  • Studios can participate in more than one NYCDA Regional Competition. Soloists receiving a platinum cannot re-compete that solo in another city. All Duo/trios and groups cannot re-compete in another city regardless of scores. However, any entry can enter for critique ONLY.
  • 10 points will be deducted from entries that do not comply with time limitations. Limitations will be strictly enforced.
  • Entries may be entered for "critique only" on a NON-COMPETITIVE basis. NYCDA office should be notified at time of registration. Regular entry fees apply.

Competition Regulations

  • All competing dancers must be registered for both workshop/competition under their studio. Teacher workshop registration is not required to compete- but written permission from the studio must be provided for dancers to compete without a registered teacher.
  • Independent Entries are not accepted for the competition.
  • Competing dancers may enter as many categories as desired, as long as they never compete against themselves. At least 50% of the dancers in each entry must be different to be considered a different dance in the same age, performance, and competition division.
  • Dancers may not compete more than one solo per weekend.
  • Competing dancers may compete for one studio only.
  • Studios are welcome to participate and compete in multiple Regional Conventions. Duo/trios, Groups, and all Solos receiving a Platinum Award are not eligible for High Score Awards in a second city, but may compete again solely for adjudication and critique purposes. Soloists who do not receive a Platinum Award may re-compete in a second city and will remain eligible for a High Score Award.
  • Professional dancers are welcome for the workshop but will not be permitted to compete if over age 18.
  • Registered Teachers cannot compete.
  • Tap sounds on recordings of tap entries will result in 5 pt. deduction.
  • Entry numbers containing more than 2 gymnastic passes MUST be entered in the Specialty or Open categories. Otherwise, the entry will be moved to the appropriate category.
  • Competing dancers should be ready 30 minutes prior to their scheduled competition time. If the competition is running ahead of schedule, you will be expected to perform.
  • Competing dancers must perform in the scheduled sequence unless special permission is granted by the Emcee and stage manager. Intentional manipulation of performance schedule will result in disqualification.
  • All dancers and their teachers are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and general support of all participants.
  • Choreography/costumes that are not considered age appropriate by the judges will have 10 pts. deducted from the total score.
  • Any studio, dancer or parent that abuses the designated dressing area will be disqualified. All participants are responsible for cleaning their area and properly disposing of all garbage.
  • No NYCDA faculty will be permitted to judge their own choreography. Their score will be dropped, and the entry will not be eligible for any High Score or Critics’ Choice Awards.
  • Age Appropriate: NYCDA prides itself in maintaining a professional, classy, and family environment. Our age-appropriate criteria will apply to our judging criteria. Necessary deductions will be taken. Disqualification may result, at the discretion of the judges.

Music Requirements

  • Competition Music should be uploaded PRIOR to your Convention weekend! Attach music files directly to your competition entry registration.
  • A backup must be available for each entry. If needed, you may provide a USB, or it can be sent via email or airdropping it to our production team.
  • Music Files should be in a Mac compatible format, such as .mp3, .wav, .m4a, etc. All files must be under 10 MB.

Adjudication of Awards

  • All entries are adjudicated by three or four qualified judges. When 4 judges are present, the lowest score is always dropped, and the three remaining scores are tallied.
  • Platinum, High Gold, Gold, High Silver, Silver, and Bronze awards will be presented based on the following combined scores.
  • All entries awarded Platinum, High Gold, Gold, High Silver, and Silver qualify for the NYCDA 2025 National Season Finale!















Competition Awards

  • Adjudication Awards will be presented to all competing entries who meet the Platinum, High Gold, Gold, High Silver, Silver, and Bronze criteria.
  • Special ‘Distinguished Achievement Awards’ (including ‘Backstage Good Sportsmanship’ and ‘Class Act’ Awards, both receiving $250 studio gift certificates) will be presented each weekend – at the discretion of the judges.
  • OUTSTANDING STUDIO AWARD! See additional entry information HERE- this will be awarded in each city, if applicable.
  • Overall high scores in each age division (7-10), (11-12), (13-15), and (16-18) will receive a special award and a $250 regional gift certificate (excludes solos and duo/trios).
  • Overall high score soloists in the Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior age divisions will receive a $250 regional gift certificate. Each performer may only place one time in Overall High Score Soloists, recognizing the soloist, not the solo.
  • One Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior entry will be selected to receive the NYCDA Critics’ Choice Award. This entry must be a Group, Line or Production. Each age classification must each have 6 entries to warrant the awarding of the Critics’ Choice Award.
  • Each NYCDA Regional Critics’ Choice Award Winner will receive FREE competition entry fees for that number at the 2025 National Season Finale! Plus a $250 studio gift certificate, to be used the following regional season.
  • Award Donation: Rather than accept award plaques for your 2024-2025 NYCDA Competition Entries, NYCDA gives you the option to donate your award to the foundation- at $5 per award. Check this option when registering online. Of course, it’s great to keep your awards too! You have every right to be proud!

Video & Photography

  • ALL Videotaping and photography are strictly prohibited during the Competition & Convention Finale. This includes the use of cell phones to take videos/photos and ALL still photography with or without flash. (Disqualification could result.)
  • Professional quality photos and videos of the competition will be available for purchase on-site and after the convention weekend from:
  • All dancers authorize the use of their image in photos and video for NYCDA publicity and advertisement purposes.